Re: Double Saxony Drive belt?

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Posted by Angela on Saturday, 1 March 2003, at 11:44 p.m.:

In Reply to: Drive belt posted by Julie Ireland on Saturday, 1 March 2003, at 11:45 a.m.:

While there can be different belt configurations, I'll quote "Simple Repairs on a Saxony" by Kate Edgerton, an article I found in "Spinning from the first 10 years of Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot" HGA , 1979, where she says "The belt of the spinning wheel, while appearing to be two, is actually one continuous cord. This passes twice around the entire assembly of drive wheel and spindle. At the spindle end the cord passes once over the spindle drive wheel and the next time around over the bobbin drive." She goes on to say "The belt can be made of firmly twisted cotton or linen. Adjust the spinning head so that it is about half way between its two extreme positions. Place the cord around the wheel and overlap the ends about two inches, pulling it up snugly."

Not being a real spinner (I've spun a few skeins, but have no real expertise), or having an older Saxony I can't say I've tried it. You might also consider textile collections online at the University of Arizona, or the University of Wisconsin - Stout, if a kindly experienced Saxony spinner doesn't help you out right away.
Best wishes,

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