Wanted apprentice in weaving & dying-Michigan

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Posted by Kathy Rowe on Tuesday, 18 November 2003, at 11:09 a.m.:

I am seeking people who would like to learn weaving and ikat dying. View my work at www.roweweaving.com. I feel the time is now to pass on what I have been given. I will offer any thing from two hours "AH HÅ" lessons-complete weaving or dying courses. I am open to offer one and two week intensive immersion experiences in a working studiio. Stay on location in beautiful Northen Michigan, just north of Traverse City, while you learn and work in my studio. My Tipi is available for a rustic living experience while you cook organic foods for your meals with my family. Or go to a B & B. The possiblities are endless. Learn dying hot water bath ( for wools and natural fibers). Viist and work an aternoon on a local organic CSA farms, hlep build a straw bale green house, gather native plants for dying. take a bike tour, swim and enjoy the sand dunes and the stars, paint on location, spend an afternoon on the Tall ship, help in a local project, Learn about Green mapping and so mnay opportunities. How can I help you learn or remember what is is you are being asked to learn?
Kathy 231 929.1100

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