Leicester Dryad loom

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Posted by n johnson on Friday, 12 May 2000, at 2:21 p.m.:

Does anyone have info on Leicester Dryad looms? Or does anyone know where to send me for that information?

I acquired this floor loom a few months ago, fulfilling a rather whimsical childhood dream, because the price was right.

But I must confess, I know nothing! My friends and family think I'm nuts -- not to mention the fact that the loom sits in my living room because it's too big to be moved anywhere else in my house!

Any information or suggestions would be helpful. The loom is about five feet in height, about six feet wide. There are four heddles (I think that's the term) and six floor pedals. I know what the warp is and the loom is currently threaded (or strung), so I've been careful not to move any strings until I am sure I know where they go.

Any information or words of encouragement are welcome! Thank you!

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