Re: Speed--O-Weave loom Instructions

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Posted by marie on Friday, 5 November 2004, at 4:16 p.m.:

In Reply to: Speed--O-Weave loom Instructions posted by Sugar King on Saturday, 11 September 2004, at 3:38 p.m.:

I linked into this site looking for a way to replace my shuttles. I have the original loom (hex) and a rectangular. One shuttle seems to have not made it from NY to OHio. I loved doing spped-o-weaves and started one a couple of years ago, but "stuff" happened and I had to put it down. Some time back, I just got the "itch" and purchased some neat yarn-- my darn shuttle was not where I know I had put it.
This is like the 3rd time I am typing the same basic info: the 1st message I saw lead me to believe there was more than one person needing the instructions. I DO HAVE THE BOOK-- "somewhere." (I had gone back to school and the books etc just turned my apartment into a place of "mystery." I am planning on starting a massive re-organization project-- and it will have to go in stages. I share that because while I know it is around, I put it someplace "safe" and it could take awhile to turn up. PLeease let me know if you still need this and I will, as I go through the countlesss books, notebooks, handouts and other "stuff" accumulated I will make a special effort to find it for you. I think this is wonderful-- I got my hexagon loom in 74 while at camp. I started with the simple one color style using a nice contrast to tie off the centers. When you get your instructions, that is the route for your little grandchild to go. After she does a couple-three of them, I bet I know which one she will want to try. The directions CAN seem complex at times, but it is not as difficult to actually do-- once one has mastered the basic one. VERY IMPORTANT! When she gets into multicolored projects-- you HAVE to use teh same kind of yarn. This can sometimes be a bummer beause you wil have two or three colors that just look awesome together. The cotton yarn WILL shrink--at least I encountered that years back, unless the manufacturers found a way to limit it. I found out about this when I washed one that I had made carelessly not thinking ahead--using a cotton yarn and one that had poly or something and did not shrink. I do hope that someone was able to help you already, but if not, e-mail me and I will make a point to keep my eye out for the booklet and get copies of the instructions to you asap. It IS hard to figure out without a booklet because you have to skip prongs on one round, some patterns you pick up the skipped ones on another round, etc. ALso, sometimes you have to fiddle around with it, but once you have the instructions, you will get it down, and at camp, we had 8 year olds doing them in large groups, so your little one will pick it up and be a pro in no time. Please let me know if you still need them. Marie

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