Posted by Jane Kasik on Friday, 5 January 2001, at 12:02 a.m.:
In Reply to: Inkle Weaving posted by Rystal on Wednesday, 15 November 2000, at 5:50 p.m.:
I sympathize with your plight to find and inkle loom. Having had the same problem, I began making them. The name of my company is "wood by jane" and we have 2 types of inkle looms that might interest you.
One is a table top loom. 30" in overall length it weaves bands up to 5' long and 4" wide. The other is a floor model inkle loom. This one stands 35" high and can weave bands of 11' long and 6" wide.
Both of these great looms are individually handcrafted of solid maple with tensioning devices and a danish oil finish.
Included are one shuttle, pick up sticks for more intricate patterns and instructions on how to set up and warp the loom.
The table top model is $60 + S&H while the floor model sells for $125 + S&H.
Please feel free to e mail me if you are interested or need further information at
Thank you.