Re: Triangle Loom

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Posted by robin on Monday, 11 April 2005, at 6:50 p.m.:

In Reply to: Triangle Loom posted by Jenny Ridgway on Sunday, 10 April 2005, at 8:12 a.m.:

Dear Jenny, There are a couple of book titles you might check into that I have run across in my own search for tri-loom plans. The book "The Triangular Frame Loom" by Linda L. Smith has plans for tri-looms and stands and gives basic instructions for weaving. The companion book is "Patterns, Weaving Techniques & Project Ideas for Triangular Frame Looms" and has just what it says it has. Same author. The first book lists for $18.95, the pattern book is $22.95. I looked over the website that Barb mentioned to you when I was doing my search and I guess maybe I might be able to make out the instructions there on a really good day but these are instructions that were developed out of trial and error and there is no info on advanced techniques. I think I'm going to see if my library can't get at least one of Linda Smith's books for me within our inter-library loan.

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