Structo Artcraft Floor Loom Tie Up Help Needed

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Posted by Kathy on Tuesday, 12 April 2005, at 9:56 p.m.:

I have recently purchased a Structo Artcraft Floor Loom. I contacted Janet Meany and she only had the manual for the table looms.She also informed me that I had a rare loom. Does any one else have one of these looms, that can help me with the tie up?
This loom was manufacterd by the Structo Company before Dick Blick bought the patent for their floor looms. It has two small rods that go through the castle on the right side and one on the left side. On these rods are four pullys. One above the other on the right,with just a single rod with four pullys on the left. Over from the pullys is L-shaped boards with two eye screws. Does this sound remotely fimiliar to anyone? PLEASE contact me if it does.

Thanks Kathy

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