Re: Need help measuring warp

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Posted by Phyllis on Wednesday, 10 August 2005, at 7:56 p.m.:

In Reply to: Need help measuring warp posted by alexandra on Wednesday, 10 August 2005, at 1:38 p.m.:


It sounds like you have the main idea. However, I'm not sure 36" is enough for take-up and loom waste. Take-up is different on different types of yarns. I've never woven mohair so maybe someone else will respond as to its take-up amount. Usually you allow for about 10% for take-up or in your case 12" (10% x 120"). Since you want to minimize the "loom waste" amount of your handspun mohair, you may want to tie a "dummy warp" on your loom then tie your mohair onto that. If you use a "dummy warp," you won't need to figure in so much extra yardage for "loom waste." Just make sure your knots will come through your heddles so you can maximize your mohair warp. I'm not sure this is all that clear but maybe it will help. Good Luck. Phyllis

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