Posted by Dan B on Tuesday, 16 August 2005, at 12:45 p.m.:
In Reply to: Re: pencil roving posted by Kathy T. on Friday, 22 July 2005, at 3:27 p.m.:
My experience with pencil roving is it is the roving that has been sent to the yarn mill but not given the twist. It has been cut down to size for yarn but not spun so it is about the size of a pencil. It works great for felting. I have seen 'pin drafted' roving made at Zwool in Frankenmuth ( and it has been made directly into rugs that way.
They make it into roving first and then pin draft it and it comes out about the size of a thumb in diameter. When woven it is about 3/8 inch wide.
I would think any reputable mill could do this. I've heard from some llama folks they go to somewhere in Ohio for their processing but I've no experience.