Re: 12 harness Leclerc loom question

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Posted by Roy Laws on Monday, 10 September 2001, at 1:57 p.m.:

In Reply to: 12 harness Leclerc loom question posted by Nancy Hood on Tuesday, 29 May 2001, at 6:26 p.m.:

Sounds like it is probably a countermarch setup. The jack levers at the top are for moving harnesses (shafts) up, and there should also be a set of lamms on the bottom which are used to pull the opposite harnesses (shafts) down. The action is very similar to the regular counter balance loom, but without the restrictions. There is a nice explanation of how to do the tieup for this on . There are instructions for tieup for several different types of looms, as well as a wealth of other info. (I have no connection with the site--just discovered it during a web search).

Good luck with your project. If I can assist with specific questions, please don't hesitate. I am not a "master" weaver, but a "talented amateur" who is willing to help out.

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