Union Loom #36

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Posted by Melanie Tomic on Wednesday, 10 October 2001, at 8:43 a.m.:

Union Loom - No.36

My great -grandmothers loom has been up in the top of the garage for the past 25 years. Periodically, someone in the family would say, "If only we knew how to use it." We are going to be getting it down in the next few weeks, because I have acquired the interest and skills to teach the others how to use it. I have not looked at the loom (I live 500 miles away), but Grandma sent me all of the information that she saved. The instruction booklet indicated that it is a Union Loom #36 from Union Loom Works, Boonville, N.Y. I may need to replace some of the metal parts and have been unable to find any information regarding what happened to Union Loom Works or The Carlcraft Co. also of Boonville, N.Y. According to the papers and receipts that I have, Great grandma purchased her warp from Carlcraft. In an envelope containing a 1969 receipt for Carlcraft Carpet Warp, there are three advertising flyers, which offer the Union Loom for $99.50.
The other receipt that I have is from 1976, several weeks before she died. The envelope contains no references to the union loom, but evidently the carpet warp operation still existed.

If anyone knows anything about what happened to these companies, were they bought out or just closed or where I can get acceptable replacement parts, I would be grateful. If you are interested in the manual and flyers that I have please contact me.

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