Posted by Franklyn C. Dormer on Monday, 15 April 2002, at 8:30 p.m.:
Gentlemen and Ladies,
I have a Hammett free standing 45 inch (max. normal weaving width) 4 hettle loom that was purchased used in 1960. Searching the web indicates that the J. L. Hammett Co., has been out of business for many years. I am mainly interested in locating other reeds for the beater bar. The entire wood framing/beater bar/etc. is made of maple. All of the mechanicals are working but the beater bar reed is approaching a rust problem. I would like to find replacements that can be either used "as-is" or modified for use on this loom.
It is a manually operated loom (foot pedals (for raising/lowering the harness frames), hand thrown shuttle, manual (ratchet) supply/takeup of warp and cloth beam).
My terms for the operable mechanism may not be technically correct. What I would like to find are replacement "reeds" that are in the beater bar that "beats" the thrown shuttle thread/wool tight in the warp.
Supposedly, this loom is capable of 90 inch wide weaving of plain single color cloth but I have b\never been adventurous enough to try.
Your help and/or comments will be appreciated.
Thank you,