Looking for used loom

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Posted by Janice Hunter on Thursday, 27 June 2002, at 4:20 p.m.:


I just found the OSWG Discussion Board today.

I am learning to spin and am interested in learning to weave.

Since I am very financially challenged I am hoping to find a nice used loom that isn't too expensive.

I would really like a floor loom of 24" wide or wider and at least 4 harnesses. I would prefer 36" and 4 or, even better, 8 harnesses but that may be too expensive for me right now.

I live in Winchester in very Northwestern Virginia and most used looms seem to be either way out west or in the Northeastern states, so the loom would probably need to be shipped.

If you have a loom for sale or know of a good source for used looms I would appreciate hearing from you.

I do know about the Housecleaning Pages but haven't found anything that is within my price range that doesn't require a pick-up and is close enough that I could actually go to get it.

Thanks for your help!

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