Re: Dye plants

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Posted by Ann Lovick on Wednesday, 31 July 2002, at 3:28 p.m.:

In Reply to: Dye plants posted by JB on Thursday, 18 July 2002, at 11:13 a.m.:

coreopsis tinctorum (use just the flowers) gives a wonderful colour with a chrome mordant. a maroon sort of dark red or rust orange with alum.
Ragwort gives you a good yellow as will dandelions and Dailias. Walnut leaves gives you browns without a mordant.
Doc roots give you good colour with various mordants I've found they give a really light fast dye
and its great for motivating one to dig up all the docs in the garden by the roots.
Madder give a great range of reds you need to use the roots and like the docs you need to pound the roots hard and soak for several hours. with Madder you have to keep the dye bath temperature below 60 degrees centigrade- hot wash temperature to keep a good colour. bright red with alum darker shades with copper or chrome or rubarb mordants. After dyeing you can change the colour again with changing the ph by soaking it in soda.

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