Re: overshot

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Posted by Sharon on Wednesday, 2 January 2013, at 1:03 p.m.:

In Reply to: overshot posted by Jo Ann on Friday, 30 November 2012, at 8:42 p.m.:

Jo Ann,
I always use a floating selvage when weaving overshot. That is primarily because when weaving blocks using the same treadle several times in a row to make blocks it gives something for your pattern thread to catch on. I weight my floaters with a 3" S hook off the back beam and that helps some with pull in. You are not leaving enough of an angle on you weft when you throw your shot and that is causing even more pull in which is why the edge threads are abrading and breaking. Sometimes if your threads are thin or underspun this can happen anyway. When I thread my floaters or even my edge threads I will often give them a little extra twist by hand to make them stronger. I also sometime warp extra threads for the edges for replacements when the original ones break. I do this when I weave on a long warp for towels.
Hope this helps.

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