Re: inkle loom weaving

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Posted by Maureen on Wednesday, 17 March 1999, at 8:42 p.m.:

In Reply to: inkle loom weaving posted by Shirley Walter on Saturday, 20 February 1999, at 5:21 p.m.:

I'm not sure if what you're asking about is what is commonly called an inkle loom today.

The inkle loom, as we know it in the United States today, is widely accepted as a tool imported in the 1930's from Europe where it is reported to have been invented somewhere between the 18th and 19th centuries.

Here's a site that gives you instructions on how to build a loom:

Victorian Video Productions has a video called 'Supplementary Warp Patterning Inkle Loom Techniques' by Jacquetta Nisbet. She shows you quite clearly how to warp this type of loom. Their website is:

There are several books that are currently available on weaving on the inkle loom. You can find some of these at the website:

If it turns out that the inkle loom that we're talking about is not the kind you're thinking of, let us know. We'd be happy to help you in your search.

Thanks for visiting our site.


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